Hey you,
You have brought many emotions to so many. You came in like a vengeance, declaring war on our emotions, time, goals, dreams, families, friends, jobs, finances, plans, food, toilet paper, health, and areas I can't think to name. You also shed light on areas that have been tucked beneath the comfort of microaggressions unnamed, discrimination got hidden behind the burdens of those whose voices go unheard, health disparities were no longer able to be ignored, and we, as a nation, had to face the grave reality of politics. You, 2020, challenged us to rise in areas that we did not realize we had the strength or capacity. You asked us to face our fears with humility. You also gave us much to be grateful for. Through our challenges, we learned that we are more resilient than we thought. We did not fold, we did not give up. We stood tall in the face of adversity. Many of us, in our own way, contributed to the shining light (although often hidden) this year illuminated. The births, the revelations, the truths, the love, the new beginnings, the firsts, the lasts, the clarity, the courage, the sacrifice, the vulnerabilities, the chances, the conversations, the knowledge, the effort, the work ethic, the hard work, the knowing, the soul searching, the spirit, the journey, the belief, the hope, the conviction, the willingness to show up. 2020, you gave us all of that and much more. We may not even realize all the gifts that you gave us until later, in hindsight, may we understand the gifts of this year. My mama once freed me to hold two dichotomous thoughts when she said, "it is possible to tell God thank you and to ask for help at the same time." I gift you with this same message of freedom. It is okay to acknowledge that 2020 has been one of the most challenging years ever, while also holding space for the blessings and anointing you (may have) received. Both can be true. At times, you didn't make sense and we couldn't understand you. You brought with you a pandemic that silently crept up on us and suddenly, we realized the magnitude of your presence. We ignored you. And then. We. feared. you. Our ignorance was tempered by the fact that information was withheld from the public and we did not understand how to properly respond. Regardless, we are here and we weathered the storm the best way we knew how. Some people did not have umbrellas or resources and the storm was much more brutal. Prayers for everyone impacted by the tragedy, that is, COVID-19. On another note, working from home presented opportunities for me to spend much more time with my family. I had more time to invest in my goals. I had more time to talk to myself. Thank you for the gift of time. Today is Monday, December 31st and you, 2020, are coming to a close so I write this letter in hopes that it finds you in good spirits and preparing for 2021, prayerfully a year filled with rejuvenated energy filled with restoration, peace, prosperity, good health, and blessings. We collectively need that more than anything. This year has undoubtedly been a year of dichotomy, living in inescapable extremes. May we end this year remembering that God is still real, that He is still able, that He is still in control, and most importantly, He still loves us.